Is it "Really" Beneficial to own your own Business?

Is it "Really" Beneficial to own your own Business?

I have been my own boss since 1982, I feel qualified to address this topic. I have owned and operated 3 businesses, two franchises and a direct sales business. Included below is a combination of the gurus’ thoughts on the benefits of owning your own business and then my own thoughts on this subject.

BENEFIT # 1 WHEN YOU OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS YOU ARE YOUR OWN BOSS AND HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR DAILY WORKLOAD. I say, “I will never work as hard for anyone else as I will for myself, and if it is to, be it is up to me.” And I love it that way.

BENEFIT # 2 WHEN YOU OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS YOU CAN USE THE SKILLS YOU POSSESS WHILE DOING WHAT YOU ENJOY. I say, “My work is my play and my play is my work.” Do what you love, and the money will come. Now I don’t mean, just wish and hope it will come. You get a plan, you work that plan, and then it will come.

BENEFIT # 3 WHEN RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS, YOU HAVE A SENSE OF ACHIEVEMENT AND PERSONAL FULFILLMENT. I say, “I love building something that says MINE.” No one can tell me I can’t do it, until I have already done it. No one, but I, can rain on my parade.

BENEFIT # 4 WORK HOURS THAT SUIT YOU! I say, “I may do my best work at 6 AM or 12 midnight.” I am my own boss so I can work the hours I want.

BENEFIT # 5 YOUR LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY ANYONE ELSE. I say, No one can fire me, and I get complete recognition for my achievements and successes.

BENEFIT # 6 NO ONE DAY IS EVER THE SAME – YOU ARE INVOLVED IN MANY AREAS. I say, I love marketing, the books, advertising, you name it, if it is my business, I love it.

BENEFIT # 7 ALL PROFITS GO TO YOU. I say, this is my favorite part. I personally can’t add two and two unless I put a $ sign in front of it. So for me it is “The queen in her parlor counting all her money... tee heee

BENEFIT # 8 YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY. I say, This is truly IT for me. As a child I was not a student. Few knew about the learning disability called dyslexia back in 1955. So, I learned to compensate for my struggle to learn like the others and developed my people and sales skill instead of my reading skills. There are positives to being the class clown.

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