Where does the Motivating Entrepreneur go to get Motivated?

Where does the Motivating Entrepreneur go to get Motivated?

We as decorating professionals know the art of motivation when it comes to our clients, but who is there to motivate us?

For over 20 years I have been a positive mental attitude junkie. I thrive on a steady diet of words, quotes, and motivational input to keep me energized and enthusiastic. As entrepreneurs we work alone, for the most part, so it is even more difficult to keep ourselves “up”. We all need a bit of help and butt kicking from time to time.

I have an extensive library of motivational books and tapes (“tapes” that’s dating me now isn’t it). I listen to them all the time whether I am driving or walking. This gives me my own private butt kicking and getting my head straight without any input from others. Much of my positive attitude comes from surrounding myself with the positive input I gain from these books and tapes.

Here are a couple of my favorites in order of preference. Why don’t you treat yourself to one or two?

Jim Rohn I started listening to his tapes back in the early 90’s. He is a philosopher, motivational counselor, business executive, and best- selling author of over 17 books and programs. Rohn has been internationally hailed over the years as one of the most influential thinkers of our time. Go to www.jimrohn.com for more information. My personal favorite is Take Charge Of Your Life”

Denis Waitley. Denis (yes Virginia, there is only one N) has counseled leaders in every field: - from Apollo astronauts - to Fortune 500 top executives - from Olympic gold medalists - to Super Bowl champions - from returning POW's - to heads of state - from the boardrooms of top multi-national corporations - to the classrooms of students of all ages and cultures. Visit www.denniswaitley.com My personal favorite is “Seeds of Greatness” It is a ten-part formula that unlocks the power you were born with. We all have the power to change our lives; this will help you find your power.

Of course, we all love good old Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie. The tools on these tapes help stop making excuses and start having results. Search for a speaker that speaks directly to you.

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