Give Mom something she will really appreciates

Give Mom something she will really appreciates

Give MOM something she really APPRECIATES

A Mother’s Day Delight
By Carol Bass

 ATTENTION:   Husbands, Sons, Daughters ….
Mother’s Day is fast approaching (May the 8th)
this is your Official Reminder

 This year give her something really special. A One Day Room Makeover, just like the ones you see on HGTV. After all, how many bouquets of flowers or boxes of candy can one woman get? Mother’s are very special breed. If you had to hire someone to do all the things a mom does for her family, you could not afford it. Let me just give you a few examples, To Hire:

·      Personal chef $250.00 for 5 meals

·      Housekeeper $75.00 per day

·      Chauffer is a minimum of $50.00 per trip (how many of those does she make a day?)

·      Doctor’s visit (not made by Dr. Mom) is $75.00

·      Event planner is at least $2000.00 per event

·      Personal shopper is $100.00 per hour

·      Tutor is $50.00 per hour

·      Psychologist $100.00 per session

Now some mom’s do all this and maintain a full-time job outside the home too. I think you will agree, being a MOM is the most important job a person can hold. Mother’s Day is designed as the day we recognize her for all she does.

 Who makes sure you’re never forgotten on Graduations, Birthdays, School trips, and yes Dad, even Father’s Day. THAT WOULD BE MOM! Now it is your turn.  This Mother’s Day give her something completely different. This is something that she has most likely seen on TV, but never thought it could happen to her.  

 Television Decorating Shows are now 150 strong on over 20 different channels. It has been said that day-time decorating and cooking shows have been taken over by these shows as “most watch” even squeezing out Soap Operas. Ask mom if she has ever watched one of these shows. I think I know what the answer will be. Let me suggest a wonderful surprise and gift idea.

Does mom have a room she would love to re-do but she doesn’t know where to start? This is where I come in. My name is Carol Bass and I am a Re-Designer. The name of my company is The Practical Decorator our motto is Decorating for real people ,in real homes, with real budgets. What we do is something called a ONE DAY ROOM MAKEOVER. Imagine, a room completely made over in just one day. I love my job of surprising people with a whole new look acquired with their own furnishings Here is how it works:

·      We pick a day she will be out

·      Then I transform a room of your choice into a room with the decorator touch.

·      I use the things you already have in your home. Just like you see on TV. You will be amazed at
what just proper furniture placement, correct lighting, the right accessories can do for a room.

·      Then we wait for her to return.

·      Now we watch her eyes light up as she sees just how wonderful her new room looks.

·      I also suggest paint colors.

·      I leave you with a shopping list of things that might be needed to complete the look.

I think you would agree what a great surprise this would be for your mom or the mother of your children…

There are 2 Gift Certificates Available.

·      One Day Makeover - $500

·      Consultation - $125 

For more information and Before and After pictures of rooms I have done for other happy moms visit my website at
You can contact me at 615-645-5140

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