Focus on your Core Genius

Focus on your Core Genius

"Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful." Malcolm S. Forbes, Publisher of Forbes magazine
Forbes goes on to say, "The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy."
Powerful words from one of the world's richest men.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Why do some get so much accomplished while others feel they are functioning with one foot nailed to the floor? As you all know, I have been reading and re-reading a great book called Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Here are a few ideas from a chapter called, "Stay Focused on your Core Genius"

In this chapter Jack talks about how we all have a core genius. Some One Thing that we love to do and do so well that we hardly feel like charging people for it. It is effortless for us and a whole lot of fun. Sound familiar? Successful people put their core genius first. They focus on it-- and delegate everything else to other people.

However, most female entrepreneurs who work from home go through life doing everything, even those tasks that they are bad at or that could be done more cheaply, better and faster by someone else. They can't find the time to focus on their core genius because they fail to delegate even the most menial of tasks.

They cook all their own meals, they clean their own houses, they market their business, they do all the family shopping, they advertise their business, they help the kids with all their homework, they get the cars washed, they do their own books, they answer all their own emails and return all their own calls, some even do all the yard work too. Wow, I am tired just typing all of this. Then if there is time or they have any energy left, they do an interior redesign, shop for clients, stage homes for resale and decorate.

Is there anything on this list that could, or even should, be done by someone else? Perhaps a family member could help. A college student could help with homework or preparing a meal. Let's look for a minute. If you make $75 to $100 an hour, and you pay a college student $10.00 per hour to help the kids with their homework, you just made a profit of $65.00. You may say, "That only takes me about and hour." Well so does each meal, so does the laundry, so do the bills. One hour here, one hour there, pretty soon you have lost a whole day.

Here is another direct quote from the book. "Most entrepreneurs spend less than 30% of their time focusing on their core genius and unique abilities. In fact, by the time they've launched a business, it often seems entrepreneurs are doing everything but the one thing they went into business for in the first place.

Don't let this be your fate. Identify your core genius, then delegate completely to free up more time to focus on what you love to do."

I hope I gave you some food for thought today. I needed to hear it too. Have a great and productive week and focus on your CORE GENIUS.

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